Al-Shabaab blasts in Baidoa have caused death and property damage.


More news is coming out of attacks that were used as bomb blasts by Al-Shabaab last night in the neighborhoods of Baidoa city, the capital of Bay region.

The Al-Shabaab group attacked the homes of officials of the South West Somalia administration with hand-held bombs.

The bomb attacks were said to have taken place while the resident officers were away from their homes, but it was reported that some of the officers’ families and some of their guards were injured in the blasts, and no deaths were reported.

The Al-Shabaab group, which claimed responsibility for the attack, announced in its media that the target of the attack happened as planned, and that it caused damage to the security guards of high-ranking officials whose houses were attacked.

Finally, there is no news from the South West security agencies regarding the damage caused by the bomb attacks that attacked the houses of the officers of that administration.