Somaliland has signed an agreement with Ethiopia to train police forces.


Somaliland and Ethiopia have signed an agreement in Addis Ababa where Ethiopia will train new police forces in Somaliland.

The agreement, which was published on the Facebook page of the Somaliland Police Force, said that the parties had reached an agreement on the training of the police forces.

“The head of training of the JSL Police Force Gen. Abdi Ahmed Tiir and the President of the Ethiopian Federal State Police University Mesfin Abeba signed an important agreement on the training of the two police forces,” the police statement said.

This agreement was followed by a recent trip to the JSL Police Chief, Sergeant Mohamed Aden Saqadhi, who had a meeting with the Ethiopian Federal Police Commissioner, Commissioner General Demelashe G/Mechiel, as reported by the police.

Somaliland and Ethiopia have recently signed a political and economic agreement, in which Ethiopia will have a base for its naval forces, while Somaliland will receive recognition from Ethiopia and that part of Ethiopia’s trade will be diverted to Berbera Port.