The Somali Police Command has given more details about the clash that took place this morning in the Deniile district of Mogadishu, in which two armed men were killed.
The Somali police said in a statement that the two men were members of the Al-Shabaab group and were shot dead as they tried to kill two police officers in the Gubta neighborhood of Deniile.
It was pointed out that the men belonging to Al-Shabaab first shot one of the two soldiers, and there was a brief confrontation between the men belonging to Al-Shabaab and the two soldiers which resulted in the killing of the two men.
“Somali police forces, especially those operating from the Dayniile district base, near Gubta neighborhood, especially in the area known as Garashta in the Dayniile district, killed two armed men who belonged to Al Shabaab. The two soldiers were injured in this operation. The police have succeeded in putting an end to the conspiracy of the Khawarij, and they are in possession of their weapons and their bodies.” It was said in a statement issued by the Somali Police Command.
Independent reports also say that in the confrontation that took place today in Gubta neighborhood of Deyniile district, one civilian was killed, who was hit by the gunfire exchanged between the two sides.
Finally, the attack that killed the two Al-Shabaab men is coming, as the security situation in Mogadishu has been very good for the past few days.