The UK government has proposed to Somaliland and SSC-Khatumo to exchange prisoners.


The British government has called for a lasting peace between Somaliland and SSC Khatumo.

The British Ambassador to Somalia, Mike Nithavrianakis, who met with the peace committee recently appointed by President Irro, made suggestions to achieve lasting peace.

“I met with the recently formed peace committee. Lasting peace must begin with the exchange of prisoners, the opening of trade routes, and the strengthening of relations between the two peoples,” said Nithavrianakis.

The president of Somaliland, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi Cirro, has said several times that he is determined to deal with the conflict between SSC Khatumo through dialogue and negotiation.

The newly appointed peace committee, which consists of 7 members, is also responsible for finding solutions to problems and strengthening peace.

There are also peace efforts carried out by Salah from the Somali Regional Government, who have traveled to Hargeisa and Lasaan, and want to bring the two sides together.