The NISA security forces captured two trucks carrying fuel for Al-Shabaab in Bahdo district of Galgudud region.


The reports coming from areas under Bahdo District in Galgaduud state that the NISA forces in the Galmudug sector last night seized two vehicles carrying fuel and other materials suspected of being taken to the Al-Shabaab group.

Reports say that the two vehicles and the men who were driving them were caught in areas under Bahdo District in Galgaduud Region and were handed over to the Nisa command in Adado District in the same region.

The officers who led the operation where the two vehicles were seized by the army said that they are investigating the drivers of the vehicles, who are believed to have gone towards Al-Shabaab fighters.

Al-Shabaab is facing the most difficult challenges in the Galmudug areas, the National Army, the locals and the Galmudug drivers have succeeded in controlling any movement towards the Al-Shabaab shelters.

The government forces and the local residents have repeatedly seized Al-Shabaab vehicles carrying fuel and other materials.

Finally, this operation is coming to an end, as in the past few days the army and the local people have been conducting operations against the Al-Shabaab group in areas and districts of the Galmudug administration.