A war broke out in the Togdheer region of the Somaliland administration, the Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Government of Somalia sent a Peace Call


The Ministry of Interior, Federal and Reconciliation of the Government of Somalia has issued a call for peace in conflicts between brotherly communities that fought in Qurilugud and Shangeed areas of Togdheer region.

In an official statement from the Ministry, it requested an immediate and unconditional end to the conflict, condemning the violence that caused the bloodshed. The ministry stressed the need for an immediate end to the fighting to prevent further loss of life.

The ministry urged traditional elders, social scholars, women, and intellectuals to play a significant role in peace, to work together to restore stability and to create a path for harmony.

“We call on all community leaders and peace activists to join us in this important effort. The way forward must be dialogue and reconciliation,” the statement said.

It was yesterday when a war broke out between Somaliland militias and SSC Khaatumo in rural areas under Buhoodle district. The war resulted in casualties including death and injuries.

The two sides are accused of pushing the conflict, while troops and war vehicles from both sides are part of the conflict.