Al-Shabaab for the first time announced the video of poet Abdiwahid Ali Gama’deed, one of Somaliland’s poets, who joined Al-Shabaab directly.
On the other hand, Gama’deed and Nageeye Ali Khalif were seen in pictures on the internet, dressed in army uniforms, carrying two Ak47 rifles, which were in a military camp.
Gamaadi had been missing for several months from the city of Hargeisa where he lived, and later there were reports that he had defected to Al-Shabaab.
In an interview he gave to Alshabab media, he said that he had believed in the ideology of extremism for years. He gave an example of his poems, most of which he used to support the activities of Al-Shabaab, as he was arrested several times for having links with Al-Shabaab.
The Puntland administration sentenced Gamadiid to death a few years ago, after he was accused of belonging to al-Shabaab. However, he was later released after a request from his community elders who went to Garowe.
He is the 3rd person who is famous in the areas of Somaliland who recently joined Al-Shabaab. Earlier, he was joined by poet Nageya Ali Khalif who was a lecturer at the Somali National University and Sheikh Adan Sunne who was a well-known priest in Somaliland.