The Court of Appeal resumed the hearing of the case against Sayid Ali Moalin Daoud.


The Court of Appeal of Banadir Region has today again heard the case against Sayid Ali Macalin Daoud who is accused of burning his wife in Mogadishu.

The accused was already sentenced to death by the Banadir Regional Court which said that he was found guilty of the murder of his wife who was named Luul Sheikh Abdicasis.

In today’s session, new witnesses were brought before the Court, among them the first individuals who went to the house when they saw the fire and the first doctors who were taken to Luul Sheikh Abdicisis with injuries, who explained what they saw.

One of the new guests today was Fatumo Abukar, who was a neighbor of the deceased, and she said before the court that she saw Luul burning and dying.

“The late Luul of Ashahadeynao was standing at the door, she was burning, and she was demanding help,” said witness Fatumo. She said to me auntie help me, then we took me and other people like that, and she said to me as we continued my child is an orphan, they will not hope for my brother” said Fatumo Abukar.

The accused, who was questioned by the court, admitted that he bought fuel and set the house on fire, saying that his intention was to burn the items in the house.

Finally, the second session of the hearing of this case was closed by the chairman of the Court of Appeal who said that the debate will continue and the next session will be decided by the hearing of this case which is in the eyes of the Somali people.