Reports from Kismayo state that the President of Jubaland, Ahmed Mohamed Islam Madobe, has returned to Kismayo from the Transitional Center of Jubaland.
Jubaland media and officials close to President Ahmed Islam have released a short video of his return to Kismayo after he was away for a week in Nairobi, Kenya.
Ahmed Madobe has already imposed a travel ban on him by the Federal Government, he cannot leave the city because the government boycotted the election in which Ahmed Madobe ran again.
The President of Jubaland has already rejected the federal government’s plan for the People and Voice Election system that the federal government wants to implement throughout Somalia and he left the last meeting of the forum.
There is no conflict between the two sides, except for a number of businessmen from Jubaland who tried to intervene in the dispute between the Federal Government and Ahmed Madobe.