The news from Kismayo is reporting that the Jubbaland Armed Forces and Serious Crimes Court has sat down to hear the case of Mukhtar Abdi Adan (Hoobiye), who was an officer of the Jubbaland Forces and is being held for working with the Al-Shabaab group.
The chairman of the court, Major General Abdullahi Mohamud Ibrahim, opened the court session by saying that the parties to the case are open to presenting their case against Mukhtar Abdi Adan.
The charges against this man were presented to the court. The Attorney General of the Armed Forces of Jubbaland, Lieutenant Colonel Ismail Abdi Ali, said before the court that the accused started working with Al-Shabaab in 2021. He was in charge of transmitting information to the Armed Forces. in Jubaland according to the investigation of this case by the Criminal Investigation Office and Jubbaland Special Forces who cooperated in the investigation of the accused Mukhtar Abdi Adan.
After that, the Chairman of the Jubbaland Armed Forces Court, Lieutenant Colonel Abdullahi Mohamud Ibrahim, asked the accused about the case that he charged to the Jubbaland Armed Forces Prosecutor’s Office.
Finally, the President of the Court closed the session of the Court, saying that the Court will have a session again with the accused Mukhtar Abdi Adan.