A helicopter that was used as a backup for the forces fighting Daesh presented by Puntland.


The Puntland administration today unveiled a helicopter for the transport of soldiers injured in operations against the Daesh group in the Bari region.

This aircraft will also be used to deliver supplies, especially medicines to the troops on the front line.

Puntland said that the fighting areas are mountainous areas where it is difficult for emergency vehicles to reach.

This aircraft is supposed to facilitate the rescue and delivery of military supplies.

Although Puntland did not provide details on where the plane was brought from, officials from the administration said that this action is part of the effort to strengthen the support of the Puntland forces engaged in the elimination of the Daesh group.

One of the biggest challenges faced by the Puntland forces was the delivery of aid to soldiers injured in Daesh operations.

Many soldiers who were injured in controlled explosions lost their lives due to bleeding, as they did not receive emergency medical assistance, according to Puntland officials.