WFP operations in the SSC-Khatumo areas are on hold after food was looted.


WFP has announced that it has temporarily suspended all its operations in SSC-Khatumo due to security and looting that has affected the distribution of humanitarian aid in that area.

An official statement issued by the Director of WFP in Somalia, El-Khidir Daloum, said that WFP programs in SSC have provided support to approximately 8,655 families including malnourished children, pregnant and lactating mothers, and other vulnerable people. This aid was channeled by the organization to three NGOs: GHADO, NRC, and ALIGHT, which operate in the districts of Lasaanood, Taleex, and Buhoodle.

Repeated incidents of looting led to the suspension of aid. WFP announced that on November 24 and 27, at least 95 tons of food aid was looted from the people of Buhoodle.

“WFP has taken the firm decision to suspend operations until a secure environment is established to allow humanitarian aid to be carried out smoothly,” the statement said.

This incident is part of the challenges faced by aid agencies in conflict and vulnerability affected areas, as the agency said that more cooperation and efforts are needed to save the lives of vulnerable people living in SSC.