President Irro who said that he is creating a committee to work on the development of peace.


The President of Somaliland, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi Irro, has appointed the “Somaliland Peace Committee,” which will be a committee that will work to strengthen, protect, and create peace.

A statement from the Presidency said, “The Peace Committee of the Republic of Somaliland will have a legal existence and its own stamp. The Peace Committee will carry out its duties and functions in accordance with the Islamic Sharia, the Constitution, and other laws of the country.”

The statement stated that the purpose of establishing the Somaliland Peace Committee is to create an atmosphere of peace based on dialogue, understanding, and community participation in the peace process to achieve lasting peace and stability.

“The duties and responsibilities of the J. Somaliland Peace Committee include: promoting peace and unity in J. Somaliland,” the statement said. “Facilitating peace talks and creating forums and an environment for negotiations to strengthen peace and social stability and prevent conflicts and conflicts in J. Somaliland.”

This committee, which will be headquartered in Hargeisa, and will have offices in the regions, will establish plans to prevent conflicts and will control them by working closely with the President.

The appointment of this committee, which consists of 7 members, comes after years of Somaliland being embroiled in civil strife that has damaged the peace it has been building for a long time.