A murderer who stabbed his wife to death was arrested by the security forces.


Reports from Qoryooley district in the Lower Shabelle region say that yesterday afternoon, a young man brutally killed his wife.

The man allegedly used a sharp knife to kill his wife and hit her in several dangerous places, and it was indicated that there was a dispute between the family.

The security forces of Qoryoley district in the Lower Shabelle region are said to have quickly arrested the man who killed his wife, and the military officials said that they are investigating the reason why this man killed his wife with a knife.

The tragic murder that took place yesterday afternoon in Qoryooley district comes as yesterday Mogadishu was widely discussed about the death of a mother who was adopting six orphan children, who died of serious injuries sustained a few days ago in a fire set by her jealous husband. because of this, when your mother was six months pregnant.

The horrific killings that are happening in Somalia have been increasing in recent years, and there have been such killings in different parts of the country that have left a sense of sadness and grief that cannot be forgotten.