The Shabelle River has started flooding in the Hiran and Lower Shabelle regions.


The Shabelle River has flooded several areas in the North of Baledweyne.

The areas of Deefow, Qoqane and Lafoole, all of which are located on the north side of Baledweyne, were flooded by the river, and the people living in those areas were displaced.

The flood of the river has also taken away various crops that are grown in large agricultural land and it is expected that the crops will be harvested soon.

One of the farmers told HOL that the flood has destroyed all the crops in his farm in Qoqane area, which is approximately 16 km away from Baledweyne.

“The area has been displaced from the floods and people have been displaced to the mountainous area, my farm and similar fields have been trampled by the fields that were in the water. .

The flood caused by the Shabelle River in the northern areas of Baledweyne is coming, while the people living in the suburbs of Baledweyne are very afraid that the river will flood with a lot of water.