The former president of the Hirshabele administration, Ali Abdullahi Cosoble, criticized the leaders and administration of Hirshabele for their lack of action, as this week the administration of Hiran State celebrated its first anniversary.
Hiran State, which is based in Beledweyne, said that it has separated from Hirshabelle administration. Ali Abdullahi pointed out that the Hiran State events that took place in Beledweyne and Mogadishu showed that the people of Hiran consulted.
“I was the first president of Hirshabelle and I can confirm that she is dead. I killed the man who has been sitting alone for a long time, Ali Guudlawe. The celebrations in Hiran State that gathered a lot of people showed the level of hatred towards Hirshabelle,” said former president Ali Abdullahi Cosoble.
He also mentioned the former president of Hirshabeelle that the only solution to end the crisis of Hiraan people is for President Hassan Sheikh to dissolve Hirshabeelle.
“President Hassan Sheikh Hirshabelle created the president by decree, but the solution is to dissolve the president by decree, to find a new system that will satisfy all the people,” said Ali Abdullahi Cosoble.
This statement by the former president of Hirshabelle Ali Abdullahi comes as Hirshabelle is still facing strong opposition from the people of Hiran, which is related to the share distribution system established in Hirshabelle.